Sexual Health

Holistic health includes sex: Reclaiming your sexual wellness.

Comprehensive wellness requires focus on all areas of health – even aspects that might seem taboo to talk about, particularly sex. And although talking about sex might seem improper, it’s an important part of life. We know patients are eager to learn how they can improve their sexual wellness, even if they might not be too eager to talk about it.

Maintaining a healthy sex life does wonders for our physical and mental well-being, and it’s also vital for preserving relationships, families, and marriages. With age, sex unfortunately doesn’t withstand the same appeal it once did for some in their younger years. Blame biology. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t solutions for the similar challenges and difficulties patients face in the realm of sex.

Reclaiming Your Sexual Wellness

The invention of Viagra was a revelation for men. One tiny pill showed promise to reinvigorate their sex lives and improve performance. But for decades, women’s sexual satisfaction wasn’t receiving the same attention. That’s why today, we take pride in offering innovative scientific advancements proven to help women reclaim their sexual wellness and work closely with our patients to determine a program fit for their unique sexual desires and needs.

The MonaLisa Touch™

The MonaLisa Touch™ is a powerful laser that uses light energy to quickly treat the vaginal mucosa with little to no downtime, enhancing feminine beauty and alleviating menopausal symptoms, vaginal dryness, and discomfort during intimacy. Similar to other procedures and treatments we proudly offer at Lamb Medical, the MonaLisa Touch™’s healing mechanisms rejuvenate collagen, restoring vaginal tissue and ultimately making intercourse less painful for more satisfying sex for patients and their partners.

For the best results, patients are recommended to complete three treatments over the course of three months and then yearly maintenance as necessary.

The O-Shot®

The O-Shot® is a vaginal injection targeted at the clitoris and G-Spot that supports the development of more functional tissue for improved sexual response and urinary control. By utilizing platelet-rich plasma (PRP), in which the injection draws the patient’s blood and subsequently reinjects it in conjunction with healing serums, the O-Shot® poses no complications. Patients are healed by their own bodies. And the results are unprecedented. Women who have never been able to before are now experiencing their first orgasm. Women reported stronger orgasms and increased sensitivity after childbirth or menopause.

A vaginal injection seems daunting, but the use of a topical solution numbs the area prior, just like how a dentist might before applying novocaine. Patients may experience some pressure but do not report pain and do not struggle with extended downtime.

There is a male version of the O-Shot®, appropriately named the P-Shot®, where PRP is injected into the shaft of the penis. This procedure improves sexual performance, including the ability to have an erection (generally better and longer lasting). It reduces time to rebound and heals fibrous areas or scar tissue and Peyronie’s disease, or curvature.

Labia Rejuvenation

Some of our patients are already familiar with AgeJet, an FDA-approved skin rejuvenation and resurfacing procedure, for its impressive anti-aging and pigmentation improving capabilities along the neck, under eyes, jawline, and more, including the labia. Comparing the labia before and after AgeJet is almost unbelievable – just one treatment makes the area look entirely new!

Another option is what we refer to as a ‘wing lift.’ Similar to the concept of filler, the labia is injected with hyaluronic acid mixed with PRP to plump the area. The vaginal opening tightens, creating a more youthful look and feel.

There is no one set solution for sexual wellness. Everyone has unique issues and personal desires. Whereas one woman might experience pain and dryness, she might still be able to orgasm. Still, another patient might not have any pain or discomfort but can’t experience sexual sensations at all. It’s important to us as healthcare providers to offer a solution for everyone without discrimination, which is why we’ve invested in the training and technology to support our patients’ sexual needs, no matter their age or request.

If you’re interested in learning more about any of the above procedures, please contact us for a free, personalized consultation online or at 724-969-LAMB (5262).